Analysis of:
"Page 7 - Updated Aeros And TIG Issues"
Screenshots of original publication
Reference 7.1
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"Later in 2012, SURE Released some updated aeros with a turbo inlet pipe built into them. These were available in stock size, up to 3 inches."
Reference 7.1 (Direct Link):
The following illustrations show the SURE Motorsports line of Full3 Aeros Intake Systems, product names, and product codes, as well as those of the 4'' Aeros Intake System. For more information, see The Aeros Advantage SURE HQ Blog post.
1. Aeros Intake Systems
Reference 7.2
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"However, the 3" Intake actually measured out to a 2.75". So much for engineering eh? Someone forgot to measure the inner diameter."
Reference 7.2 (Direct Link):
Both statements are false. The product referenced is the Aeros ID300 which may be referred to as a 3'' MAF housing. The 3'' measurement is derived from the inside diameter of the MAF housing sensor location, which is 3.001''.
In Kevin Pugh’s published photo, the inside diameter of the back of the MAF housing is incorrectly measured. The images below show each component and measurement of the Full3 Aeros ID300 Intake System.
3.380'' – Inside diameter at the front of the MAF housing
3.001'' – Inside diameter at the MAF sensor location
2.825'' – Inside diameter at the back of the MAF housing
2.941'' – Outside diameter at the back of the MAF housing
3.006'' – Inside diameter at the front of the silicone
2.168'' – Inside diameter at the back of the silicone
2.167'' – Outside diameter at the turbocharger inlet
Shown above, the Aeros ID300 MAF housing unit does not measure the same inside diameter throughout the unit. To maximize airflow, the Aeros design tapers from the front of the MAF housing (3.380'') down to the factory turbo housing (2.168'').
Since the initial product release, there has been only one version of the Aeros ID300, with no revisions to this model. The above measurements are of this original design.
1. SURE HQ: The Aeros Advantage
Reference 7.3
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"Some new problems came up with the Turbo Inlet Pipes having glue inside the nipple that connects to the vacuum port on the bypass valve."
Reference 7.3 (Direct Link):
This is true. In 2011, a SURE Motorsports employee improperly used adhesive on the (at the time) current vacuum port fittings during the assembly process of the SURE Motorsports Sidewinder turbo inlet pipe.
Prior to any reported adhesive assembly errors, SURE Motorsports had designed a new vacuum port fitting to eliminate the use of adhesive. This new fitting was publicly posted on Facebook on November 23, 2011, and replaced the prior fitting in December, 2011.
1. Facebook post: November 23, 2011
The new vacuum port design uses aggressive barbs that run along the input side of the fitting. Once pressed into the silicone these barbs create a secure seal.
2. New vacuum port fitting pressed into the silicone
3. New vacuum port fitting
4. Old vacuum port fitting
Reference 7.4
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"Do you know what happens when you have no vacuum for bypass valves or wastegate controls? Not good, not good at all people."
Reference 7.4 (Direct Link):
Reference 7.5
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"There were other issues like the SURE Tigs, that would self destruct […]"
Reference 7.5 (Direct Link):
Reference 7.6
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"[…] or cause the manifold to crack since there was no included spacer in the packaging originally."
Reference 7.6 (Direct Link):
This is true. SURE Motorsports released an initial group order of TIG gaskets for the intake plenum at a discounted price to members on May 13, 2011. These orders did not include instructions or a spacer for the lower bolt on the intake plenum.
1. Discounted group purchase for
Without the spacer the lower bolt may be over-tightened. Over-tightening puts excess stress on the upper flange of the intake plenum which may cause damage to the intake plenum, as shown by the photo published by Kevin Pugh.
SURE Motorsports manufactured and shipped the missing spacer within 24 hours of being notified of the issue. All affected customers were sent spacers at no charge and notified of proper torque specifications for the installation.
2. Torque specs on TIG packaging
Reference 7.7
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"Again, SURE blamed installer error here, […]"
Reference 7.7 (Direct Link):
This is false. SURE Motorsports manufactured and shipped the missing spacer within 24 hours of being notified of the issue. All affected customers were sent a spacer at no charge.
“Installer error” has been falsely referenced as the default SURE Motorsports response to reported product issues.
1. Reference #3.7
Reference 7.8
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"[…] but like everything else they build, nothing came with installation instructions or torque specs."
Reference 7.8 (Direct Link):
As a result of the issues experienced with TIG gaskets, all SURE Motorsports products currently include torque specifications necessary for installation. This has been true since prior to the publication of Kevin Pugh’s post.
Torque specifications have been included with all TIG orders since June, 2011.
1. Torque specs on TIG packaging
Installation videos were released for the TIG products July 1, 2013, via SURE HQ.
2. SURE HQ: Installation Videos
Reference 7.9
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"Later, these began to ship with the required spacer."
Reference 7.9 (Direct Link):
SURE Motorsports added the spacer to the TIG product the same day reports of the issue were received.
1. TIG product spacer
Reference 7.10
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"Cullen himself told me, that [name redacted] copied their TIGS but i couldn't find evidence of this. I purchased a tig set from [name redacted] and i didn't see the copy of SURE's design. Cullen claimed there was a tab that had SURE written on it, but on [name redacted]’s, it was left blank. This evidence didn't match up, so i gave the TIG away to a local Nator member to install and ignored the issue."
Reference 7.10 (Direct Link):
SURE Motorsports TIG gaskets were designed and engineered in-house in their entirety. SURE Motorsports internal records document the unauthorized and unlicensed use of the SURE Motorsports TIG products.
1. February 7, 2011: SURE Motorsports first publicly posted the TIG gasket on Facebook.
2. February 23, 2011: The first TIG gasket order processed and shipped through
3. January 29, 2012: Public post of unauthorized and unlicensed copy of the SURE Motorsports TIG gaskets.
4. February 22, 2012: SURE Motorsports provided Kevin Pugh TIG gaskets at no charge for product inspection.
5. July 2, 2012: Email from Kevin Pugh: "Ive got the tig [review] done... I called [name redacted] and grilled him about the TIG he offers. He said he copied the stock gasket to a tee...."
6. Comparison photos:
Top: OEM Gasket
Middle: SURE Motorsports TIG gasket
Bottom: Competitor gasket
7. SURE Motorsports owns the rights to the trademark "TIG".
Trademark Status & Document: TIG .
8. Example of unauthorized use of the Trademark "TIG"
Reference 7.11
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"When it comes to TIGS, its kind of hard to state someone stole your design... Anyone can make a tig by tracing the original gasket..."
Reference 7.11 (Direct Link):
The SURE Motorsports TIG gaskets are not copies of the original OEM metal gaskets. SURE Motorsports reverse-engineered the critical dimensions of the factory gaskets with additional revisions made for the TIG gasket designs.
The SURE Motorsports TIG gaskets include a number of differences from the OEM gaskets.
The outside profile differs from the OEM profile.
The top planes of the TIG gaskets are flattened.
The alignment teeth are removed from the dowel holes.
Intake ports profiles were expanded.
The center shape of the intake plenum gasket is made square.
The alignment tab on the top left of the intake plenum gasket is enlarged and branded with the SURE Motorsports logo.
The TIG gaskets are made of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).
A single change is made to the unauthorized and unlicensed gaskets from the SURE Motorsports TIG gasket product.
The SURE Motorsports logo is replaced with a non-functioning hole.
1. Comparison photos:
Top: OEM Gasket
Middle: SURE Motorsports TIG gasket
Bottom: Competitor gasket
Reference 7.12
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"How does one design something innovative when you are stacking material between gaskets?"
Reference 7.12 (Direct Link):
The SURE Motorsports TIG gaskets include several distinctive features.
See Reference #7.11
The SURE Motorsports TIG intake plenum gasket is a standalone gasket that seals the cylinder head to the intake plenum. The SURE Motorsports TIG throttle body gasket is a standalone gasket that seals the throttle body to the intake plenum.
Reference 7.13
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"At any rate, this is what happens to the intake manifolds when you have no instructions and no bolt spacer... Note the fix in the 2nd picture:"
Reference 7.13 (Direct Link):
Torque specifications and a spacer have been included with the purchase of the SURE Motorsports TIG gaskets since June, 2011. See Reference #7.7
Reference 7.14
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"Torque specifications and a spacer have been included with the purchase of the SURE Motorsports TIG gaskets since June 2011.
How TO Properly Install SURE Tigs"
Reference 7.14 (Direct Link):
The guide detailing how to install SURE Motorsports TIGs is located here:
Reference 7.15
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"At this time, its highly recommended that you stop making purchases from both SURE Motorsports and […]"
Reference 7.15 (Direct Link):
Reference 7.16
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"[…] for the mere fact, your personal safety is being sacrificed for profits."
Reference 7.16 (Direct Link):
This is false. SURE Motorsports takes product safety very seriously. There have been no reported injuries, worldwide, resulting from the use of any SURE Motorsports product.
SURE Motorsports quality control process rejects all products that do not meet internal standards. These products, combined with warrantied products, have a total market value exceeding $187,500 (this figure does not account for engineering costs and additional resources expended).
Product safety is the highest priority for SURE Motorsports. There have been no reported injuries, worldwide, resulting from the use of any SURE Motorsports product.
1. Several products that did not pass SURE Motorsports quality control
Reference 7.17
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"To validate our finds, i have several pages labeled with actual user names who were affected by SURE's failures. This way, you can contact them on your own through the forum to hear it from their own mouths."
Reference 7.17 (Direct Link):
Reference 7.18
Statement by Kevin Pugh:
"This is not a SMEAR campaign as posted on SURE's Facebook page..
They are DELETING all comments that show any negativity toward their brand and dangers to people's cars."
Reference 7.18 (Direct Link):
SURE Motorsports removed comments that were in violation of the Facebook Community Standards Policy. All customers with warranty concerns were directed to contact SURE Motorsports via phone or email. SURE Motorsports does not directly handle warranty claims through social media channels.
See Reference #8.1